We future-proof your next hire.

We have been specialist in legal recruitment for over a decade. This gives the edge in the understanding the requirements and expectations of our clients as legal recruitment can be very technical in some areas. We at eLawyer also understand that each client is unique and requires a personalised approach to fulfill their respective requirements. As such, we are always on the same wavelength and speak the same language as the hiring partner or manager.

We know our industry inside out.

We have been around for many years only because our clients keep coming back to us. And they do so because we serve them well. Most employers find it difficult to find a talent with the right attitude. And even if it is possible to find the perfect match, they don’t want the recruitment process to be a lengthy one. We value your time and when you outsource the recruitment to us, you can focus on your business and let us do what we do best – to move efficiently and produce the results that are desired.

The quality of our service differentiates us from our competitors.

We use the 2 As & 2 Ps formula. When we apply this to form a shortlist, we look for candidates with Ability and a good Attitude, who are Passionate about the job and able to see the Purpose in the role. Often, we subject the candidates to a personality assessment test to understand them better. This test enables us to identify key qualities in a candidate that is highly relevant to the role. For example, a good lawyer should be meticulous and we will ensure such a quality exist in the shortlisted candidates.

This aspect of the recruitment process is highly technical and our inside knowledge of what works in legal roles give us the edge.

When we pursue the best-in-class talent, we know they have many options in the market. And they know it too. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect them to ask some probing questions about their next destination. We dedicate time and effort into understanding our clients, especially when it comes to their corporate culture, organizational structure, vision of the management and the way things work internally.

We cannot convince the best candidate to join you if we don’t study you.

We apply deep listening skills to understand our clients’ expectations. We provide genuine feedback, sharing our market insights and maintaining open communication during the entire recruitment process. This is to ensure that expectations are properly managed and relevant information is communicated with clarity and efficiency for both clients and candidates. We don’t have a habit of throwing countless profiles of potential candidates at our clients. In fact we put in a lot of effort to ensure that you only receive a very select few that best fit your requirements.

Once the deal is sealed, it does not end there for us. Our commitment extends beyond the successful placement of a candidate as we remain in close contact with the client and provide ongoing support.