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About Us

Legal Recruiting
At eLawyer, we are passionate about legal recruiting. Our clients will tell you as much. To us, it is not about finding a candidate for a vacancy, but it is about finding the perfect match.
Perfect Pairing
When you talk about perfect, you need to understand the clients’ requirements, and how to identify the right candidate who is best suited for a successful career full of growth and fulfilment. This is where we as lawyer understand lawyers.
Competitive Advantage
We are well placed to excel in the challenging and competitive environment of legal recruitment given our vast network and years of experience. Today, we are recognized as one of the market leaders in legal recruitment.
Successful Placement
eLawyer have successfully placed many lawyers (including partners), in-house counsel and various admin and support staff over the years.
Diverse Fields
We cater to the recruitment needs of a wide-ranging clientele that includes local and international law firms, private, public-listed and government-linked companies, MNCs, financial institutions, and regulatory bodies.
Corporate Vision
eLawyer has come a long way since 2007. Although our journey has been filled with blessed years, we are more excited about where we are heading in the next few years, and beyond.